SOS Safe Space Gathering for BLACK LIVES MUST MATTER

Event Date

April 16, 2021 - 4:30pm

Please join us Tomorrow (Friday) at 4:30pm EDT for an informal gathering in a virtual safe space to talk about the outrageous recent events, process our emotions, & support each other through this difficult time. Please help us spread the word.

Emotions are again running high. We are grieving for Daunte Wright, the latest victim of the countless Black lives that have been taken by the hands of the police. We are incensed that the officer who shot Jacob Blake and left him paralyzed for life has returned to work without facing any punishments. We are anxious in waiting for the verdict from the trial of George Floyd's murderer, after having witnessed the many racist arguments put forth from the defense. And these are just from this week, not to mention the cumulative burden of daily living in a complicit society that devalues and dehumanizes human lives based on racial profiles.

While statements and promises of anti-racism work are appreciated responses from our institutions, they cannot ease the sadness, fear, and outrage that we feel every time we bear witness to police brutality and racially targeted violence. We must recognize the harm and trauma of living through events like this, and how it disproportionately violates Black, Brown, Asian, Indigenous, Queer, Trans, and all people from marginalized communities. These events would ultimately render all members of our community vulnerable.

Join us for an informal gathering in a virtual safe space to talk about the outrageous recent events, process our emotions, & support each other through this difficult time.

Zoom Registration:

Office of Diversity and Inclusion 1300 York Avenue New York, NY 10065