- If you encounter any security problem or concern, please contact Security at 212-746-0911 and/or dial 911.
- For a campus security escort, contact Security at 212-746-0911.
- Weill Cornell Alert is used to send simultaneous emergency notifications to all WCM students, faculty, and staff via email, phone, and text messaging. Please make sure your emergency contact information is up to date in the directory.
- If you experience or witness discrimination or harassment within our WCM community, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).
- Coping in Response to Tragedy: A Guide for Families provides parents scientifically grounded advice on how to process tragedy with children.
- Resources for self-care during traumatic events, for dealing with election year stress, and for managing stress in general.
- Support resources are always available from the Employee Assistance Program Consortium and the Student Mental Health Program.
- Cornell University has made additional resources available, including programs and readings to address Antisemitism and Islamophobia, on the Diversity and Inclusion website.